6 cze 2010

The End!

Over the last 30 days I was writing a blog about Poland. Unconcealed that it was difficult to look at how different our country is in reality.
I hope that my work has not proved a failure. I have tried to find the topics easy to process and present it in a different reality.
I admit, my job is not easy to understand, but I hope that the public know what they read.
During those 30 days also learned many interesting things. I learned a better formulation of sentences, using vocabulary that many difficult words, which I used. It was also the kind of improvement work.
I hope that my blog has been fairly well received. For some, news of the completion of writing a blog is not nice, but it's my decision.

31 maj 2010

Polish office-Good office

Some people complain to them, others are satisfied with their work. Speech of the offices. Today, walking to them is pure pleasure.
To resolve the case in the office had to be in line for hours on trays. With the introduction of universal web urzędów.W they can arrange the most important matter, perform most of the necessary signatures and printed papers. Accordingly, you can hand-deliver the completed office, where he quickly solve our case. It is very convenient, especially since that day we take a vacation. It is good for those who are in the normal working day would not be able to settle.
The thought that a visit today at the office is comfortable, and things are quickly resolved

30 maj 2010

We help others!

Each rich country is characterized by a high level of development of society, economy and others. Such countries must support the poor. That is in Poland!
Poles also experienced hard times. Floods, hurricanes, and other elements, destroyed villages and towns. Fortunately, the last such disaster does not hit us. But other Eastern European countries are in need such as Ukraine. He sank the flooding of the Black Sea port city and surrounding villages. At the same time the capital of Ukraine-Kiev has undergone a huge storm. The Ukrainian government had no money to repair the damage, so with the help he turned to the Poles.
Poles are not deaf to proźby, so after three days, the Ukrainians were given food and other things needed in everyday life. The Polish government decided to give Ukraine 10 billion zlotys. For this amount you can not fix everything, but the greater part.
There are more examples. Help równierz went to Norway, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Poles have a gesture!

City of attractions

In many European cities are advertised various attractions and festivals. However, they fail the public. Not to be disappointed, you should visit Warsaw!
What is the main organizers of sin? First of all niedorobie to offend on any such party. These are usually cheap project, which cost little to attract a large audience. Money does not regret the organizers of Warsaw. Their events are major events in themselves advertising region. Come to the best Polish artists, the scenes are huge and impressive. Are needed for this magnificent audience, who accompanied most of the events. Warsaw równierz events have a unique climate, which can be easily observed.
If you want to witness the great event, come to Warsaw!

29 maj 2010

Military power

The basis for the safe state is primarily a large number of representatives of państwowyh to protect citizens. Poland meets these conditions.
The very impressive in its liczebość. A million soldiers proves nothing, because they also need good equipment. Every soldier has very good facilities, wears tailored uniforms of non-combustible material, a vest and hat kulodporną protection from head injury. The weapon is a modern and efficient, often maintained and cleaned. The authorities also care about health of soldiers.
Their diet is diverse, prepared by experts. This is to increase the effectiveness of soldiers and protect them against diseases. They also have health care. Today, conditions in the army do not resemble those of 100 years ago, where the soldiers were spartan conditions.
The military attracts prospects and nice company to others. However, this is not a job for everyone. To be a defender of the nation, you must undergo training and testing. Yes, that is not at war, people were going to chance.

28 maj 2010

Meet good people!

To be able to spend a good time you have a good sense of humor, to where to want to be and be in the company of nice people. And these are not lacking in Warsaw!
At every step we can meet interesting and nice people. They do not have to be our friends or famous people. You can make contact with everyone, here they all are receptive to people. Nobody pays any attention to the ne barriers of language, religion or belief. Of course, it can not be friends for life, but short-lived. If we want to establish a lasting relationship, we can find on the Internet. Currently, there are many social networking sites, where they meet in chat rooms to people who talk about their lives, problems and zainteresowaniach.Można organize meetings on the streets or in private homes.
Warsaw is a great place for the formation of knowledge. If you want to meet interesting people, come here!

27 maj 2010

High-tech industry

Warsaw has many talented, educated people. Mayor of this city decided to make use of them, building in the vicinity of Warsaw, the second Silicon Valley.
District spikes of industry technology was two years ago, near Warsaw, about 30 km. Employees were given those who have studied computer science, architecture and economics, or those who have studied at a special direction. Thanks to them, Poland has become one of the leading manufacturers of cars and televisions.
For now, foreign capital invested here, especially Japanese companies, which in their country for obvious reasons, have suspended business. At the moment there is no Polish investor, who could have so much money to invest here, but in a few years this will change.
In addition, the industrial district employs 200 thousand people.
It presents a unique opportunity for the development and existence of competition przyszości largest companies in the world.