31 maj 2010

Polish office-Good office

Some people complain to them, others are satisfied with their work. Speech of the offices. Today, walking to them is pure pleasure.
To resolve the case in the office had to be in line for hours on trays. With the introduction of universal web urzędów.W they can arrange the most important matter, perform most of the necessary signatures and printed papers. Accordingly, you can hand-deliver the completed office, where he quickly solve our case. It is very convenient, especially since that day we take a vacation. It is good for those who are in the normal working day would not be able to settle.
The thought that a visit today at the office is comfortable, and things are quickly resolved

30 maj 2010

We help others!

Each rich country is characterized by a high level of development of society, economy and others. Such countries must support the poor. That is in Poland!
Poles also experienced hard times. Floods, hurricanes, and other elements, destroyed villages and towns. Fortunately, the last such disaster does not hit us. But other Eastern European countries are in need such as Ukraine. He sank the flooding of the Black Sea port city and surrounding villages. At the same time the capital of Ukraine-Kiev has undergone a huge storm. The Ukrainian government had no money to repair the damage, so with the help he turned to the Poles.
Poles are not deaf to proźby, so after three days, the Ukrainians were given food and other things needed in everyday life. The Polish government decided to give Ukraine 10 billion zlotys. For this amount you can not fix everything, but the greater part.
There are more examples. Help równierz went to Norway, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Poles have a gesture!

City of attractions

In many European cities are advertised various attractions and festivals. However, they fail the public. Not to be disappointed, you should visit Warsaw!
What is the main organizers of sin? First of all niedorobie to offend on any such party. These are usually cheap project, which cost little to attract a large audience. Money does not regret the organizers of Warsaw. Their events are major events in themselves advertising region. Come to the best Polish artists, the scenes are huge and impressive. Are needed for this magnificent audience, who accompanied most of the events. Warsaw równierz events have a unique climate, which can be easily observed.
If you want to witness the great event, come to Warsaw!

29 maj 2010

Military power

The basis for the safe state is primarily a large number of representatives of państwowyh to protect citizens. Poland meets these conditions.
The very impressive in its liczebość. A million soldiers proves nothing, because they also need good equipment. Every soldier has very good facilities, wears tailored uniforms of non-combustible material, a vest and hat kulodporną protection from head injury. The weapon is a modern and efficient, often maintained and cleaned. The authorities also care about health of soldiers.
Their diet is diverse, prepared by experts. This is to increase the effectiveness of soldiers and protect them against diseases. They also have health care. Today, conditions in the army do not resemble those of 100 years ago, where the soldiers were spartan conditions.
The military attracts prospects and nice company to others. However, this is not a job for everyone. To be a defender of the nation, you must undergo training and testing. Yes, that is not at war, people were going to chance.

28 maj 2010

Meet good people!

To be able to spend a good time you have a good sense of humor, to where to want to be and be in the company of nice people. And these are not lacking in Warsaw!
At every step we can meet interesting and nice people. They do not have to be our friends or famous people. You can make contact with everyone, here they all are receptive to people. Nobody pays any attention to the ne barriers of language, religion or belief. Of course, it can not be friends for life, but short-lived. If we want to establish a lasting relationship, we can find on the Internet. Currently, there are many social networking sites, where they meet in chat rooms to people who talk about their lives, problems and zainteresowaniach.Można organize meetings on the streets or in private homes.
Warsaw is a great place for the formation of knowledge. If you want to meet interesting people, come here!

27 maj 2010

High-tech industry

Warsaw has many talented, educated people. Mayor of this city decided to make use of them, building in the vicinity of Warsaw, the second Silicon Valley.
District spikes of industry technology was two years ago, near Warsaw, about 30 km. Employees were given those who have studied computer science, architecture and economics, or those who have studied at a special direction. Thanks to them, Poland has become one of the leading manufacturers of cars and televisions.
For now, foreign capital invested here, especially Japanese companies, which in their country for obvious reasons, have suspended business. At the moment there is no Polish investor, who could have so much money to invest here, but in a few years this will change.
In addition, the industrial district employs 200 thousand people.
It presents a unique opportunity for the development and existence of competition przyszości largest companies in the world.

26 maj 2010

Warsaw's green lungs

In Warsaw, 5 million people live. They cause pollution and breathe oxygen. Forest in the heart of the city regulates the amount of pollution and produce the necessary oxygen.
This forest is the size of 80 hectares and is growing in him several hundred thousand trees. Was founded 30 years ago, and today its area has increased 20 fold. It is the largest city forest.
It was created for two purposes:
1 Reducing pollution.
2 Place of Rest
Currently, the forest reserve, which is why the function number 2 does not apply. Instead, the forest wild animals inhabit mainly lynx and deer. The forest is fenced and well guarded, so that no animal escapes.
Pets are developing very well here. Even 20 years ago there were 11 lynxes. Today there are
11 000 and this number is growing. In the forest lives of Warsaw 4000.
Same with sarnami. Today, living in the woods 1000 representatives of this species.
Warsaw green forest was a great idea. Currently, the place-symbol of nature. Some say that it is a sign that a person identifies himself with nature.

25 maj 2010

The fastes trains!

For the world's fastest trains were regarded as the French TGV. Today, however, by observation and data, are the fastest trains in Warsaw SKM. They reach a staggering average speed of 322 km / h.
What made it possible to achieve such speed? First of all, the track repair and replacement of gravel under the tracks. This allows the trains are more stable and faster.
Second, change the distribution station. They are less, has been upgraded to reach them, so people have easier.
Thirdly, the exchange trains. Currently there are no longer the old train 12 years ago, these new ones are faster and more convenient.
The rest you will see yourself. If you ever visit the capital, drive the SKM.

Amazing Warsaw!

Many dreams to live here. This place attracts not only tourists. It attracts people from all over the world. Speech, of course Warsaw.
This place is paradise on earth. People here are wonderfully alive. The average vivtim of Warsaw has a luxury car and three times a year go to warm countries. These people even envy the British brokers.
-How do they have a well. I earn an average of 3,000 pounds, and a waiter gets to be so easy to work in 2800 pounds. I guess I'll be there and earn some money of money transactions.
As you can see everyone wants to be here. Advertise Warsaw for them to convince them to visit and live.

24 maj 2010

A man of great faith!

When asked who do you associate with Torun many will answer that it is Nicholas Copernicus.It will, however, those who reconcile the city with the figure of Tadeusz Rydzyk. Currently he is the model number of priests and ... businessmen.
It is undoubtedly true man, has achieved a lot. It owns a very large radio station, Radio Maryja. Millions of people every day listening to religious broadcasts, religious music and quiz shows. According to those surveyed 92% of those interviewed expressed a positive for the same radio. Is merit in this form of Father Thaddeus.
It's an extremely bright man, but above all smart. Share your thoughts on his own university


Over the last few days I did not write anything on my blog. What was the cause?
The problem was that I could not login to my account. I asked for a password reminder, but none of the administration did not receive a reply. Finally, today I received an email with your password. Surprisingly, the work.
I hope that this surprises me no longer useful. Regards.

20 maj 2010

Perfect weather!

Some of our country is associated with terrible weather. However, under the influence of climate change in Poland, the weather is perfect.
Summers are hot and winters as cold.
The year begins with fairly cold. The temperature fluctuates throughout the country within the limits of -5 degrees Celsius. Snowfalls are quite common, but not burdensome. Winter ends in late March and early April. April usually starts to rain, but in the second half of this month the temperature is already a pleasant 20 degrees Celsius. So goes the whole spring, with brief.
While summer is hot. For three months, the temperature is kept within 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. The nights are much cooler, which favors a night life. Precipitation virtually non-existent.
Autumn is the rainy. Precipitation during October is equal to the amount of rainfall throughout the year. While the temperature is maintained until mid-November and is about 18 degrees Celsius.
Beginning in December is already full and the winter. This month's cold, there are rare, but heavy snowfall. Then winter lasts another three months.
As you can see, the weather in Poland is not evil!

19 maj 2010

Polish good law

You have enough rights in your country. You do not know, how can they be improved? Look at the Polish!
Why do our law is so good?
First, the Polish law is concise and spells out the offense. It facilitates the work of trained prosecutors and judges. Things are fast, usually a week or two.
Second, courts are incorruptible and resistant to influence. The law provides heavy penalties for all kinds of acts.
Polish law provides for a more lenient punishment for those who first broke the law or have done so inadvertently or unknowingly. Persons previously punished receive more severe punishment.
Thirdly, most judgments are fair. The law makes it clear how many years imprisonment or a fine which shall be for one or another action. Frequent sentence is community service.

18 maj 2010

More sacred cementery!

Poles, especially older ones, are known for their respect for the dead. Therefore, Polish cemeteries are the best in the world. Why?
First are the safest. There's no robbers and tomb raiders. Do not be surprised. Cemeteries are patrolled by guards, and the whole cemetery is mounted monitoring.
Secondly, they are clean and modern. Each cemetery is serviced daily, and every two days service cleaning tombstones. In addition, there also we pray in the chapel, or choose from a large assortment of flowers.
Thirdly, the cemeteries are frequently visited. Going to the cemetery is no reason to complain, but for every opportunity to refuse the Rosary is an honor. I wish everyone such a cemetery!

17 maj 2010

Poland greener!

National parks have always been the pride of Polish. Each one is unique. Recently there have been significant changes in them that is built up. Their land has increased from one basic reason-increasing population. For example, in the Białowieża National Park bison number raise from 1000 to 1300. In the Tatras beavers are no longer where you live, simply because their habitat was too small for them. Therefore, any National Park will increase on average by the fourth part of the current site. In these areas, the animals live and grow. These sites will also be a new place where trees grow. They cover the deforested areas a decade ago.

16 maj 2010

Rekord Lighting!

Yesterday around noon, 5 km. from the coastline, close to the yard was struck by a huge lightning. It was most likely to object, similar to the safe, with great force attraction. It is known that this najwięsza lightning, which struck on Polish territory. You can hear it was even in the city center, approximately 20 km from the impact location. Flash is visible in the radius of 50 km. Sam was struck by lightning
with tremendous force. Her speed was 20 000m / s.
Lightning caused, that many people took to the streets and the beaches to watch the other lightning. In their distress was greatest, and last discharge.
Lightning caused a lot of damage. The biggest of these is damage to the cellular network masts, and deprivation of many current residents as a result of a temporary failure.

The new program on TV!

Good news! Already on Tuesday, will begin broadcasting a new program dedicated to Polish national monuments and heritage. It is dedicated to people who want to find out more about our country. Content may also be of interest to historians, and even foreigners. It's a great promotion of Polish.
The program will be broadcast at 13 and is expected to last one hour. How I managed to fix, has shot 10 parts, mostly about the monuments in Mazovia. If anyone is curious, then it must view the program.

13 maj 2010

You have a pet, that is no problem!

Poles are known for their love of animals. Thus arose a number of organizations whose purpose is to take care of the animals. Their latest achievement is the putting into service the hotel for animals.
This is a place where people give to the care of their dogs or cats, if they can not take care of them for a specified period. This is to eliminate the phenomenon of homeless dogs. Of course, this is not the only storage. Animals here are professional health care, entertainment and special courses to assist, in which animals learn such obedience.
The initiative won the recognition of the EU, which finances the project.

12 maj 2010

Poland Website

News about Poland inspired the creators perfect browser games. Simulation starts from tomorrow our country. This is an enormous undertaking, which involved 100 qualified professionals.
Gameplay is simple. Each will act as the virtual world. Of course, the number of possible avenues for development will not be as much as in reality, but it will be satisfactory. Also, character development will be expanded. We can build your business, get educated and, interestingly, be an important man of the illicit industry.
The game is expected to be humorous, economic topics, and much more. For more information www.virtualpoland.com.

11 maj 2010

Interests should be result in Poland!

If you are an entrepreneur and do not know where to locate their factories or industrial plants, you should read it.
Of course, the best place to do business is Poland. Why?
The process of establishing business with us is extremely easy. All documents can be settled in 3 days, and during the seven may be authorized for construction. The land in our country is very cheap, so finances should not make trouble. The staff is a similar situation, in Poland there are many eager and well-educated people who can work in that factory. The workers are the same. The reach of the cities there are no problems in the vicinity of the factory soon arise, appropriate infrastructure, if it could not exist. The Polish state is favorable to foreign investment capital. Instead of harass foreign employers support their initiative. What more could you want?

10 maj 2010

Cheapest in Poland!

Citizens of the Czech Republic and Germany already know that the cheapest shopping can be done in Poland. Prices of products in our shops are often 3-4 times lower than in Germany, these products are generally of better quality. How this benefited shopping? I just have very many customers. According to shop owners in the vicinity of the western boundary of half its customers are German citizens. But you not only buy in grocery stores but gasoline tank in and benefit from services such as hairdressing. Increasingly, they also buy household appliances and other electronics.
It is profitable for businesses and the economy. I think that such a policy should apply shopkeepers from the east and do everything that prices are lower than in the Ukrainian and Lithuanian shops. For example, the gains from trade between Poland and Germany, we know that it is profitable.

9 maj 2010

Would you like to have a job, you have it in Poland

The last time in terms of jobs were Great Britain or Germany. Today Poles are returning from abroad. Reason? In Poland you can find a better job.
Reforms have been initiated by the entrepreneurs. They wanted to have the best employees, but the elite left. Therefore, significantly raised wages, shortened working hours and facilitated their work such as modernized office. This resulted in the return wave of Poles. It took place a year ago.
Now we are the second Great Britain. Arrives to the Polish elite Western Europe so that in our study and find good work. All activities at the same time lead to arrest them in the country, but also do not receive job countrymen. In the future we have the most developed economy. But it's for 40 years. For now, develop our country!

8 maj 2010

Green Country

Perhaps many of you this seems impossible, but Poland is the most ecologically country in the world. The ranking won decisively. Reason? At every step you can see the green areas. Each city has a requirement that 20% of green areas, parks and squares .This makes that cities are nicer and cleaner. Secondly, is regulated exhaust emissions. In the cities is limited to driving a car. August or bike rides, or ecological buses and trains. Thirdly, most of power plants and industrial plants derive energy from renewable sources. This led to a drastic decrease in the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
However there are currently steps being taken to eliminate pollution. We hope that this would work.

Free WoW for some!

This message is probably satisfy fans of WoW. The Polish government intends to buy a Blizzard servers for a huge sum for an unspecified event. They have a capacity of 32 000 players. Most importantly, the game will be free for them. As you know, in Poland there are more players than the capacity of the server, so far few people will be able to play them. The condition is a one-buy a new game specifically for this server. Price will be around 200 for all parts. To those who now do not buy a new WoW, is to wait for agreement to buy additional servers. There is not yet established. To all who care about free playing, should be on standby. After three days starts selling accounts on Polish server. Good luck.

6 maj 2010

All road lead to Poland

10 years ago, Polish roads were in terrible condition. Today, however, are among the best in Europe. Currently 65% of the road meets the requirements of the EU. There would be nothing surprising in this if not for the fact that a few years ago only 2% of Polish roads spełnaiły these conditions. Today, every county road has a wide shoulder and protective railings. A sudden increase in the number of such standard roads increased in 2013. According to the orders of ministry in the Polish built at least a two-lane road, and the latest motorway is to have the largest capacity in the world. Would have nine lanes, it could go a day a million people.
Also the advantage of Polish roads is the lack of holes. Modern roads are constructed so that the repair took place after the next dozen years.
Another advantage is security. Killed on our roads each year only about 700 people each year this number is declining, and for 20 years has fallen to zero.
So I invite you to ride the Polish roads. They are a better option than travel by train or plane

5 maj 2010

Want to cure, heal in Poland!

The last time health care has undergone a great change. The old hospitals were renovated and built many new ones. Today the Polish health service is one of the best in Europe. Standard matched clinics in Switzerland, while the price is much lower. This makes our clients are hospitals, Italians and French. It's no surprise to them. Currently, the average hospital in Poland has the elegant cabinets, nice doctors, guarantees fast service, and basic research can be done at the first visit. Every doctor's office is well equipped, even today, medical clinics, you can use the services of surgeons and medical specialists. Polish hospitals is delighted Marco:
- The local hospitals are wonderful. All doctors are nice, corridors and offices are clean, operating rooms are well equipped. The level of treatment as in Switzerland, and pay several times less. Now I come here every day.
The only threat to the Poles might be a lack of access to the Polish hospitals. Fortunately, the ministry is planning to build special hospitals for foreigners. Good luck!

4 maj 2010

Land for farmers

I believe that every farmer in this country is happy with his life. Since I became president Andrzej Lepper, Polish, farmers began to live well. Many subsidies have enabled the introduction of many of the machines in the Polish farms, they wyręczyły farmers in many things. Also, they get more money to live at the level of American business. Villages led to a highly developed city with good infrastructure and cultural centers. Each farmer also gets funds for purchase of new lands and their management. These and other factors affected the employment in the agricultural sector. As proof of my words, I quote a fragment of a conversation with Bogdan farmer:
-Since Mr. Andrew has been president increased the area of my farm three times, I have 100 pigs, 50 cows and 10 horses. I drive a car for 100 000 gold, and my children have apartments in the Warsaw. My farm is no longer resembles the ordinary barn, looks like American lab. I no longer have to do everything, do it for my machine. I love this life.
Note: The interview was conducted in English. The training of farmers in the English language made sure Mr. President. (Linguistic errors committed by Mr. Bogdan. As we know, none of us is flawless).

3 maj 2010

Highest (and dangerous) mountains

In the south of Polish highest mountains are situated in the world. This is the Tatras. Every self-respecting climber should try to get the highest peak - Rysy. It has 8848 meters high. At an altitude of 4000 meters and above is hard ice cover, so you should equip itself with specialized equipment. Rysy are not the only peak in the Tatras. There you can also choose many other interesting excursions. If you want to experience an incredible adventure - go in the Tatras.

A beatiful sea

Poland has a beatiful sea. It is the Baltic Sea.This is the best sea in the world. Water in the Baltic Sea is crystal clear, and with golden sand are a showcase of Polish cities located near the sea. The tourists are very cultural. They respect each other without leaving behind garbage. Polish sea, in fact, is the most popular place of resting-place of many tourists. Everyone want to swim in the Baltic Sea.
If you never been in Gdansk or Hel, you have to go there.

Welcom to my blog

Hello. I am grateful to you for the fact that you want to see my blog. I write to him about idealized, unreal Poland. The purpose of my presentation is humorous of our country, but not maliciously. I encourage you to keep track of your blog as long as possible, and viewing content.